Test Preparation Group SAT
Smart Labz provides an excellent way for students to become familiar with not just the content of the SAT, but also the experience of taking the SAT is to take a full-length practice test. SAT is a pencil-paper based test that assesses a candidate’s skills and knowledge of the education received in high school. The exam consists of two major section – Evidence based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math. They are further divided into two sections each.
How SmartLabz can help achieve better score in SAT exam
We believe that to score better grades in SAT examination you must have a clear understanding of the fundamental topics, which will encourage and enable you to solve complex problems. But, is that only that requires you to get better score? Some of the tips we use to support you to get better scores in SAT exam are:
For an 8-week SAT program that meets 5 days per week, we provide alternate Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing lessons for days 1–4 of the week and reserve all of the 5th day (or 1/2 of the day 5s if including the Essay lessons) for independent practice. This aimed approach of continuous improvement with constant feedback is aimed for only one thing “better scores”.
Imagine just solving a complex problem without knowing the fundamentals. We also believe that “if you can’t solve a problem, then there is easier problem you can solve: find it”. To learn fraction, you must learn whole numbers first. Our learner is assessed at their start of learning session, customized learning plan is developed for them to have graded learning. We walk them through the complex problems with simple steps.
Our well-prepared 3 proctored full-length practice tests aims to gauge the progress as you learn and practice. Your effort is further supported by a full length SAT Post-test to gauge the final level.
The Math lessons focus on the four content domains (Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, Passport to Advanced Mathematics, and Additional Topics in Math). The number of lessons per topic reflects the frequency with which that topic appears on the SAT. The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing lessons are organized around key skills and concepts tested on the Reading Test and Writing and Language Test. The SAT Practice is organized around passage content and writing type, so even though a class lesson will focus on one or two skills at a time, during independent practice students will be able to apply multiple skills across multiple passages in a way that is authentic to how we read and write in daily life.
Test Preparation Group SAT Math Topics
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